Went for a job interview this morning. It went well, and it is the same work I was doing in Winnipeg, so my insurance background will be helpful. They emailed the agency after our meeting, saying I was great... So, should I be expecting good news soon? The only drawbacks - there are 2 - is no benefits, and no holidays. It is a 12 month contract right now. Although things sometimes change very quickly.
I can live with no benefits, for now, and there is nothing to say I can't look for something else later. But no holidays... We are planning to go "back" home in May of June. However I will cross that bridge when I get there. This job is close to home, the pay is acceptable, the work is ok. And I have not had the confirmation yet that I am the chosen one. If it's mine, then it will be. If not, another one is just around the corner.
Didn't find out he was a nomad until recently, although the clues were there. And now I should be surprised that we are (again) packing up our stuff and moving on? This will be a way for those of you who so wish, to stay in touch as we move on down the line. Sometimes in English, parfois en français, suivez nos aventures alors que nous partons à l'aventure. See you round the bend.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Ça avance
J'ai un rendez-vous demain matin à 10h00!
Qui vivra verra
Reçu un appel tard hier après-midi de l'agence qui m'avait trouvé l'autre boulot: ils ont quelque chose à me proposer. Ça ressemble beaucoup à ce que je faisais à Winnipeg, c'est beaucoup plus proche de notre maison et ça commence un peu plus tard dans la journée. Hum, c'est très intéressant. L'agence doit envoyer mon cv à la compagnie et celle-ci leur dira si elle veut me rencontrer ou non. Je devrais avoir une réponse à cela d'ici la fin de l'après-midi. Entre-temps je ne suis pas très découragée, en fait pas du tout découragée. Les choses tomberont en place au bon moment. (Et puis, j'aime bien être à la maison comme ça, dommage que je doive retourner au travail.)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Expect the unexpected
I sure didn't.
I thought I had an almost perfect job, been going to work for the last month. Getting up at 6, arriving early, learning as much as I could, as it was very complex, and maybe I am just too much of a perfectionist.
Friday morning, they called me in the office, and said...blablabla, thank you very much, good-bye. Oh well, I'd rather find out after one month than 3 or 5 months, while still on probation, but very settled into the job. So here I am, back to job-hunting again. I actually would prefer to not find anything until after Christmas, at this point. And the good thing is I did get a whole new wardrobe out of this experience. And I met interesting people and did something that was completely foreign to my past experiences.
So now I go back to the gym too. Yes! Will be going this afternoon. My arm and shoulder are feeling better, too, after not working out for almost 5 months. I guess maybe my body needed that rest to recuperate. (And I'll aks them if they are looking for employees, who knows? I may find myself a part-time job at the gym.)
So off I go...
I thought I had an almost perfect job, been going to work for the last month. Getting up at 6, arriving early, learning as much as I could, as it was very complex, and maybe I am just too much of a perfectionist.
Friday morning, they called me in the office, and said...blablabla, thank you very much, good-bye. Oh well, I'd rather find out after one month than 3 or 5 months, while still on probation, but very settled into the job. So here I am, back to job-hunting again. I actually would prefer to not find anything until after Christmas, at this point. And the good thing is I did get a whole new wardrobe out of this experience. And I met interesting people and did something that was completely foreign to my past experiences.
So now I go back to the gym too. Yes! Will be going this afternoon. My arm and shoulder are feeling better, too, after not working out for almost 5 months. I guess maybe my body needed that rest to recuperate. (And I'll aks them if they are looking for employees, who knows? I may find myself a part-time job at the gym.)
So off I go...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This and that...
I put a whole bunch of stuff in the crockpot, and we should have a yummy supper tonight. My crockpot version of "le bouilli", beef, onions, carrots, potatoes, rutabagas... It seems I have been doing a lot of cooking in the last few days, last night I was complaining that all I have been doing lately is cooking. Oh well, as of next week, I won't be spending much time in the kitchen anymore.
I have also been doing a bit of sewing. That also is something I won't have much time for later on. So enjoying my free time for the next few days. I know it won't be easy getting up very early in the morning ad NOT going back to bed, but hoping on a bus to get my b*tt to work. Interesting. I am looking forward to learning new things, meeting new people, and facing new challenges.
I saw another house 2 days ago, thought maybe we could move out of here - our tiny little abode, but finally, after re-evaluating our budget, decided that we are better off staying here for another few months,until we know exactly what to expect. Try to save a bit, pay off the debts a bit too. And really it's not that bad here. Cozy. Not much storage. But it's home. For now.
Finally figured out how to upload to the ipod. It turns out I had an older version of itunes which didn't recognize the ipod. So I've been uploading a lot of our favorite cds, but whne I'm doing that, of course, I am not doing anything else. So... housework awaits for me in dark corners and leaps up from behind bedroom doors... and makes me wish I had a maid. Haha, that'll be the day!

Daughter got the little surprise I sent her in the mail yesterday. Glad she liked it. The cutest little winter hat, (not quite this colour) I'm sure they have some kind of name for that style, but can't think of it now. You'll get your socks at Christmas, dear, as usual... :)
I have also been doing a bit of sewing. That also is something I won't have much time for later on. So enjoying my free time for the next few days. I know it won't be easy getting up very early in the morning ad NOT going back to bed, but hoping on a bus to get my b*tt to work. Interesting. I am looking forward to learning new things, meeting new people, and facing new challenges.
I saw another house 2 days ago, thought maybe we could move out of here - our tiny little abode, but finally, after re-evaluating our budget, decided that we are better off staying here for another few months,until we know exactly what to expect. Try to save a bit, pay off the debts a bit too. And really it's not that bad here. Cozy. Not much storage. But it's home. For now.
Finally figured out how to upload to the ipod. It turns out I had an older version of itunes which didn't recognize the ipod. So I've been uploading a lot of our favorite cds, but whne I'm doing that, of course, I am not doing anything else. So... housework awaits for me in dark corners and leaps up from behind bedroom doors... and makes me wish I had a maid. Haha, that'll be the day!

Daughter got the little surprise I sent her in the mail yesterday. Glad she liked it. The cutest little winter hat, (not quite this colour) I'm sure they have some kind of name for that style, but can't think of it now. You'll get your socks at Christmas, dear, as usual... :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
The search is over.
I found the perfect job! Not exactly customer service, even better: Member Services, for a great organization, close to downtown, beautiful building, great benefits, and the job sounds really interesting. Plus great starting pay too. And normal office hours. Although in order to be there before 8:30, I will probably have to get up around 6 am. Me the totally not early bird. But hey, it's worth it.
All went well during the screening, and follow-up interviews and meetings. And a decision was made very quickly, less that 3 days after the first meeting. So I am thrilled about all this. But, it will feel a little bit strange to get back into a work routine, as I have been off since mid-July because of the move. Now I need new clothes, hehe, new shoes, new lots-of-stuff... One paycheck at a time.
Reunited with my friend from high-school a couple of weeks ago. I was a little bit leary at first, not having seen her for so many years. But she seems delighted to reconnect, and I am quite happy as well. It's kinda nice to have a friend around here. Husbands are good, but still... a friend is good too. We have been getting together for coffee a couple of times, and went for a long walk last week as it was so beautiful out. She also invited us to a maroccan restaurant where we enjoyed delicious food and good company. This was also the first time she and Ous got together since we arrived here, and everyone got along more than fine.
Our routine otherwise is fairly quiet. When week-ends provide us with beautiful weather, we go exploring. Went to Wakefield last Saturday, and really enjoyed the quaint town. Also went for a walk at "La Ferme expérimentale", unfortunately forgot my camera both times. Can't believe the weather is still so nice here, usually by this time of year, we are under a lot of snow in Manitoba. So I am enjoying this a lot.
All went well during the screening, and follow-up interviews and meetings. And a decision was made very quickly, less that 3 days after the first meeting. So I am thrilled about all this. But, it will feel a little bit strange to get back into a work routine, as I have been off since mid-July because of the move. Now I need new clothes, hehe, new shoes, new lots-of-stuff... One paycheck at a time.
Reunited with my friend from high-school a couple of weeks ago. I was a little bit leary at first, not having seen her for so many years. But she seems delighted to reconnect, and I am quite happy as well. It's kinda nice to have a friend around here. Husbands are good, but still... a friend is good too. We have been getting together for coffee a couple of times, and went for a long walk last week as it was so beautiful out. She also invited us to a maroccan restaurant where we enjoyed delicious food and good company. This was also the first time she and Ous got together since we arrived here, and everyone got along more than fine.
Our routine otherwise is fairly quiet. When week-ends provide us with beautiful weather, we go exploring. Went to Wakefield last Saturday, and really enjoyed the quaint town. Also went for a walk at "La Ferme expérimentale", unfortunately forgot my camera both times. Can't believe the weather is still so nice here, usually by this time of year, we are under a lot of snow in Manitoba. So I am enjoying this a lot.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Job hunting...
It has been an interesting experience. One company has so many requirements before I started that even though they gave me a start date of Oct. 4, I ended up not accepting it. They wanted proof of employment going back to 2005! Names and contact numbers of the supervisors, and for the few years where they were unable to reach these people, they asked for my T-4. After enquiry, it seems that they cannot ask for these as they contain personal information, AND I didn't have them anyway. So they said I could contact Revenue Canada... I don't think so! Hey this is a call centre, all I was going to do was answer phones, not make life saving decisions here. So finally I said, thanks but no thanks.
Then there was the insurance company. Working there sounded interesting, I even told them at the interview that I reallly would love to work there. Things seemed to go well during the interview, but they told me they would let me know in the next 10 business days. (Which would be today). And before that there was the other insurance company that called me back to say the chose another candidate better suited to the profile they were looking for... which was fine.
I considered each of these interviews as practice for the job I would eventually want and get.
In the meantime, I went to see the agency recommended by my sister. And they had just received a request that morning for a great sounding job, fantastic pay and wonderful benefits, and was I interested? No thanks... Of course I was interested! Did a prelim phone interview with them, then they asked me to come in for a skills testing, then come in for an interview, and I met again with them yesterday as they wanted to show me the actual work environment and see if I liked it...
Late yesterday afternoon, someone from their HR called me with a couple more questions and could I provide a copy of my University Certificate (from 1985). It seemed at this point that they were just deciding, based on very specific criteria, what salary to offer me, and would be contacting me today. Waaahhh... In the meantime I managed to find the certificate in one of our numerous Rubbermaid boxes, still unpacked from the move, and called them to let them know.
So at this very moment, it appears that HR is waiting for a final decision regarding what salary to offer, and will contact me today. Hopefully this morning, although it's already 11 am. And I have not yet heard back from the insurance company, so that is good, because I didn't want to have them offer me a job, while I am waiting for the second one to offer me something as well. Especially since the second one is better in all manners.
I'll keep you posted.
Then there was the insurance company. Working there sounded interesting, I even told them at the interview that I reallly would love to work there. Things seemed to go well during the interview, but they told me they would let me know in the next 10 business days. (Which would be today). And before that there was the other insurance company that called me back to say the chose another candidate better suited to the profile they were looking for... which was fine.
I considered each of these interviews as practice for the job I would eventually want and get.
In the meantime, I went to see the agency recommended by my sister. And they had just received a request that morning for a great sounding job, fantastic pay and wonderful benefits, and was I interested? No thanks... Of course I was interested! Did a prelim phone interview with them, then they asked me to come in for a skills testing, then come in for an interview, and I met again with them yesterday as they wanted to show me the actual work environment and see if I liked it...
Late yesterday afternoon, someone from their HR called me with a couple more questions and could I provide a copy of my University Certificate (from 1985). It seemed at this point that they were just deciding, based on very specific criteria, what salary to offer me, and would be contacting me today. Waaahhh... In the meantime I managed to find the certificate in one of our numerous Rubbermaid boxes, still unpacked from the move, and called them to let them know.
So at this very moment, it appears that HR is waiting for a final decision regarding what salary to offer, and will contact me today. Hopefully this morning, although it's already 11 am. And I have not yet heard back from the insurance company, so that is good, because I didn't want to have them offer me a job, while I am waiting for the second one to offer me something as well. Especially since the second one is better in all manners.
I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Quelques jours ailleurs
J'avais promis à ma fille que je retournerai m'occuper de ses enfants, lorsqu'elle irait en voyage au mois de septembre dernier. Lorsque je lui avais fait cette promesse, nous n'avions aucune intention de déménager à tant de kilomètres de distance. Cependant, tel que prévu, je me suis rendue chez elle aux dates indiquées l'an dernier. Cela faisait un mois que je n'avais pas vu les enfants,qui m'ont paru avoir changé et grandi en ce court laps de temps. Nous avons passé une semaine mouvementée,nous lever tôt le matin pour aller à la garderie, et bien sûr amener Chiqita avec nous...

Pour remplir mes journées, j'avais apporter mes tissus et mes patrons avec moi, et je me suis confectionnés quelques vêtements. Car de retour ici, je suis encore à la recherche de boulot et je me vois mal aller aux entretiens en portant des jeans, si propres soient-ils. Je me suis donc fait un pantalon, une jupe, 2 blouses et 2 hauts -genre T-shirts mais "propre". J'ai encore quelques items que je veux me faire, car à mon retour j'ai eu l'heureuse surprise de voir qu'Ousmane a acheté une table de salle à manger, donc je peux m'installer pour coudre ici aussi. Il a d'ailleurs complètement aménagé l'appartement et c'est très joli. Nous devons quand même finir de ranger les bacs, mais au moins pour le moment, ils sont cachés dans une des chambres.
J'ai eu le bonheur de revoir deux de mes bonnes amies pendant ce court séjour. Visites-éclair, mais au moins nous avons pu passer quelque temps ensemble et nous rattraper un peu dans les nouvelles. Peut-être auront-elles un jour la possibilité de venir ici à leur tour et nous pourrons les recevoir chez nous. Je l'espère bien! J'ai aussi pu découvrir 2 restos végétariens, aux menus délicieux, un offrant des mets chinois et l'autre des burgers. Je me suis régalée.
Je ne parlerai pas des mes mésaventures à l'aéroport avant de quitter ici. On m'a même fait passer dans la machine rayon x, le scanner, contre mon gré, mais... refuser est mauvais signe: on vous soupçonnera de tous les torts. Je n'étais pas de bonne humeur, mais je suppose que c'était (à peine) plus acceptable que de me faire palper... Au moins au retour, pas de problèmes suaf qu'on me dit que mon tube de lotion pour peau sèche est trop gros! Lorsque j'ai voulu en mettre un peu avant qu'ils me le confisque, ils ont refusé. Bandes de!!@#$! Heureusement que je ne l'avais pas payé cher, mais c'est énervant quand même. Un tube de lotion pour les mains. Rien du tout.
Pour remplir mes journées, j'avais apporter mes tissus et mes patrons avec moi, et je me suis confectionnés quelques vêtements. Car de retour ici, je suis encore à la recherche de boulot et je me vois mal aller aux entretiens en portant des jeans, si propres soient-ils. Je me suis donc fait un pantalon, une jupe, 2 blouses et 2 hauts -genre T-shirts mais "propre". J'ai encore quelques items que je veux me faire, car à mon retour j'ai eu l'heureuse surprise de voir qu'Ousmane a acheté une table de salle à manger, donc je peux m'installer pour coudre ici aussi. Il a d'ailleurs complètement aménagé l'appartement et c'est très joli. Nous devons quand même finir de ranger les bacs, mais au moins pour le moment, ils sont cachés dans une des chambres.
J'ai eu le bonheur de revoir deux de mes bonnes amies pendant ce court séjour. Visites-éclair, mais au moins nous avons pu passer quelque temps ensemble et nous rattraper un peu dans les nouvelles. Peut-être auront-elles un jour la possibilité de venir ici à leur tour et nous pourrons les recevoir chez nous. Je l'espère bien! J'ai aussi pu découvrir 2 restos végétariens, aux menus délicieux, un offrant des mets chinois et l'autre des burgers. Je me suis régalée.
Je ne parlerai pas des mes mésaventures à l'aéroport avant de quitter ici. On m'a même fait passer dans la machine rayon x, le scanner, contre mon gré, mais... refuser est mauvais signe: on vous soupçonnera de tous les torts. Je n'étais pas de bonne humeur, mais je suppose que c'était (à peine) plus acceptable que de me faire palper... Au moins au retour, pas de problèmes suaf qu'on me dit que mon tube de lotion pour peau sèche est trop gros! Lorsque j'ai voulu en mettre un peu avant qu'ils me le confisque, ils ont refusé. Bandes de!!@#$! Heureusement que je ne l'avais pas payé cher, mais c'est énervant quand même. Un tube de lotion pour les mains. Rien du tout.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
First interview
was a 10:30 this morning. I arrived at 10 after 10, afraid of being late, so walked around the mall for a bit. At 10:24 I went to the office and waited to meet my HR person. All went well, and we had a good conversation/discussion.
She explained about the hours, those hours I do not really want. Hey no one wants to work until 1:30 am, and really, do people actually enjoy getting up at five am to go to work??? Not me that's for sure. So we both talked abot it, and I think I had already made up my mind yesterday, but I thanked her for her time and decided that this job might not be a perfect fit. She did seem genuinely disappointed, and in a way, so was I, but I'm holding off my my dream job.
Speaking of which, I go to that interview tomorrow. It is supposed to last over 2 hours. Reminds me of my first interview with CVG... And I did quite well with that one. So keeping my fingers crossed, and reading up on the position and the company. It's still a call center, but the hours are a lot better.
And yet another interview on Friday, by phone this time. This is where our friend Abdouba works and if I don't find anything else, would be an acceptable choice, although once again, the hours are pretty crazy. Why are call centres opened so darned late all the time???
So things are going well, and fast. One of them is bound to be the good one.
She explained about the hours, those hours I do not really want. Hey no one wants to work until 1:30 am, and really, do people actually enjoy getting up at five am to go to work??? Not me that's for sure. So we both talked abot it, and I think I had already made up my mind yesterday, but I thanked her for her time and decided that this job might not be a perfect fit. She did seem genuinely disappointed, and in a way, so was I, but I'm holding off my my dream job.
Speaking of which, I go to that interview tomorrow. It is supposed to last over 2 hours. Reminds me of my first interview with CVG... And I did quite well with that one. So keeping my fingers crossed, and reading up on the position and the company. It's still a call center, but the hours are a lot better.
And yet another interview on Friday, by phone this time. This is where our friend Abdouba works and if I don't find anything else, would be an acceptable choice, although once again, the hours are pretty crazy. Why are call centres opened so darned late all the time???
So things are going well, and fast. One of them is bound to be the good one.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Jobs, jobs, jobs
It's not like I really want to work. It's more like I have to.
So I have been poring over job sites on the internet, sending resumes, wondering if I should apply here where I don't really want to work, or wait till something really interesting catches my eye. Hummm I may end up waiting a really long time.
I do have an interview tomorrow. It would be interesting, except the hours are brutal. Who wants to work every weekend, and sometimes until 1:30 am? I want to be able to spend some quality time with Ous, more than once a mnth. However going to a job interview is good, it allows me to hone my job interviewee skills. And who knows, maybe I am misinformed about the schedules. The good thing is that most of the jobs I am interested in don't start until October. Which gives me time to get my brain organized.
I did sent one resume to a potential employer that I find very interesting. Hours are good, schedule is acceptable, and pay is more than reasonable. I hope they contact me in the next couple of days. They did send me an email with a questionnaire to fill out, and hopefully they will be impressed enough with my answers to want to meet me. It's not to far away, accessible by bus and somewhat related to what I used to do in Winnipeg. We'll see.
So I have been poring over job sites on the internet, sending resumes, wondering if I should apply here where I don't really want to work, or wait till something really interesting catches my eye. Hummm I may end up waiting a really long time.
I do have an interview tomorrow. It would be interesting, except the hours are brutal. Who wants to work every weekend, and sometimes until 1:30 am? I want to be able to spend some quality time with Ous, more than once a mnth. However going to a job interview is good, it allows me to hone my job interviewee skills. And who knows, maybe I am misinformed about the schedules. The good thing is that most of the jobs I am interested in don't start until October. Which gives me time to get my brain organized.
I did sent one resume to a potential employer that I find very interesting. Hours are good, schedule is acceptable, and pay is more than reasonable. I hope they contact me in the next couple of days. They did send me an email with a questionnaire to fill out, and hopefully they will be impressed enough with my answers to want to meet me. It's not to far away, accessible by bus and somewhat related to what I used to do in Winnipeg. We'll see.
Let the dust settle
The first couple of weeks we took care of paperwork: car and house insurance, new drivers licences, new health cards, changing all our addresses, getting the phone, internet and tv hooked up.
Unpacking... We still have a lot of plastic rubbermaid crates in the living room, as we have no storage area. Trying to unpack means also trying to find where to put all the stuff. C'est décourageant.On prend notre temps. I'd rather be outside.
It's been very hot in August. A nice change from Winnipeg, where it seems our last 3 summers were rain and cold. We found a lake close-by and went a few times. It felt so good to roll up my pant-legs, take off my shoes and walk in the almost warm water. Even went swimming one day last week, when it was sooo hot and school had started so the place was deserted. We thought we would bring a picnic, but as were are still in the middle of Ramadan, unless we have that picnic at night... it ain't gonna happen this summer.
Ousmane has discovered garage/yard sales. So now, as we drive around, he is forever on the prowl for"Deals". He is a pretty good negociator, and has managed to find us great "Deals" for our new place. We still need a few items, but as there is no room right now, I am boycotting any type of outdoor sales as we see them.
* * * *

We decided last Wednesday to drive out to Montreal. The plan was to see BenGen, Dima and dear old Matante Hélène. The plan did not take into account traveling time within the big city, and the fact that we wanted to be back home before sunset. So unfortunately, we did not get to see my sister. :(
Ben was busy in his studio, but Gen sweetly guided us to the bagel place, or should I say THE bagel place, where we bought 3 dozen to take back home with us. Their sweet smell in the car on the way back was mildly distracting, and we were quite happy not to have to wait too long when we got home before sitting down with our coffee and yummy fresh sweet sesame bagel, still warm might I add.
Matante Hélène was thrilled to see us. When I called her the night before, she sounded ecstatic to find out she would have visitors the next day: I'll wait for you by the front door at one o'clock. I gently told her that I would call her around 1PM, not knowing quite how our schedule would work out. We were there at 3:20. A smiling aunt sitting in her chair by the window, greeted us very cheerfully. Lots of hugging and kissing. Gee, I hadn't seen her in maybe 10 or maybe 15 years... Along time.
She immediately adopted Ousmane, and rumor has it she thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. At least that's what she implied, when speaking with her younger sister, my mother, for an hour on the phone the next day. Mother called me to relay the story. Cute.
Unpacking... We still have a lot of plastic rubbermaid crates in the living room, as we have no storage area. Trying to unpack means also trying to find where to put all the stuff. C'est décourageant.On prend notre temps. I'd rather be outside.
It's been very hot in August. A nice change from Winnipeg, where it seems our last 3 summers were rain and cold. We found a lake close-by and went a few times. It felt so good to roll up my pant-legs, take off my shoes and walk in the almost warm water. Even went swimming one day last week, when it was sooo hot and school had started so the place was deserted. We thought we would bring a picnic, but as were are still in the middle of Ramadan, unless we have that picnic at night... it ain't gonna happen this summer.
Ousmane has discovered garage/yard sales. So now, as we drive around, he is forever on the prowl for"Deals". He is a pretty good negociator, and has managed to find us great "Deals" for our new place. We still need a few items, but as there is no room right now, I am boycotting any type of outdoor sales as we see them.
* * * *
We decided last Wednesday to drive out to Montreal. The plan was to see BenGen, Dima and dear old Matante Hélène. The plan did not take into account traveling time within the big city, and the fact that we wanted to be back home before sunset. So unfortunately, we did not get to see my sister. :(
Ben was busy in his studio, but Gen sweetly guided us to the bagel place, or should I say THE bagel place, where we bought 3 dozen to take back home with us. Their sweet smell in the car on the way back was mildly distracting, and we were quite happy not to have to wait too long when we got home before sitting down with our coffee and yummy fresh sweet sesame bagel, still warm might I add.
Matante Hélène was thrilled to see us. When I called her the night before, she sounded ecstatic to find out she would have visitors the next day: I'll wait for you by the front door at one o'clock. I gently told her that I would call her around 1PM, not knowing quite how our schedule would work out. We were there at 3:20. A smiling aunt sitting in her chair by the window, greeted us very cheerfully. Lots of hugging and kissing. Gee, I hadn't seen her in maybe 10 or maybe 15 years... Along time.
She immediately adopted Ousmane, and rumor has it she thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. At least that's what she implied, when speaking with her younger sister, my mother, for an hour on the phone the next day. Mother called me to relay the story. Cute.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Back in business
Not to sure how to relate the past month.
Lots of packing. Lots of driving to and fro (Winnipeg, Ottawa, and back again). Looking for a new place to settled down and grow new roots.
Leaving Winnipeg for good on August 6th. Goodbye house on Walnut Street, finally all done up the way we wanted it. Goodbye friends and family, hopefully we'll meet again soon.
We saw a lynx on the drive out, late Friday afternoon. It slowly deambulated (?) across highway 17, nose sniffing the air, ears very much lynx ears, and legs stretching out on the dry pavement. I took it as a good luck omen. We had a safe ride, safe trip, arriving in Ottawa on Sunday afternoon around 2.
That first week was hectic. Running around in circles to change the plates on the car, oh but you need your Ontario driver's liscence for that (among a load of other documents). Going to transfer the driver's liscence, you need a valid passeport, or sorry your name will not be the way you want it, and the way it should be. My first name is not and has never been Marie, but according to my new Ontario driver's liscence, it is now. Go figure. I was too exhausted by the going around in circles to argue any more. Back to the "Service Ontario" office, who could use tips on appropriate customer service techniques... I took 4 days of bs to get the plates changed and the car insured.
We had managed to sell all our funiture before we left. The movers had only to worry about boxes and rubbermaid crates. Oh and my bike. Once here, we went shopping for a few items that could not wait. We bought a bed at Sears before we left, with a delivery date of the Tuesday after our arrival. After sleeping on the floor for over 2 weeks, that bed was very welcome in our new home. We bought a TV, some shelving, 2 desks, one for Ous for his studies, and one for my new computer, going into the corner of what could/should be a dinning area. We set up our dining area in the kitchen using the cart and bar stools Ben had given me a while ago. Yesterday we found a "curio cabinet" that fits perfectly in our tiny kitchen where I can now put the dishes. Someone having a yard sale, and we got it for $10. Ous is now convinced that for any other items we will be needing, we should check yard/garage sales...
And so all is well.
Lots of packing. Lots of driving to and fro (Winnipeg, Ottawa, and back again). Looking for a new place to settled down and grow new roots.
Leaving Winnipeg for good on August 6th. Goodbye house on Walnut Street, finally all done up the way we wanted it. Goodbye friends and family, hopefully we'll meet again soon.
We saw a lynx on the drive out, late Friday afternoon. It slowly deambulated (?) across highway 17, nose sniffing the air, ears very much lynx ears, and legs stretching out on the dry pavement. I took it as a good luck omen. We had a safe ride, safe trip, arriving in Ottawa on Sunday afternoon around 2.
That first week was hectic. Running around in circles to change the plates on the car, oh but you need your Ontario driver's liscence for that (among a load of other documents). Going to transfer the driver's liscence, you need a valid passeport, or sorry your name will not be the way you want it, and the way it should be. My first name is not and has never been Marie, but according to my new Ontario driver's liscence, it is now. Go figure. I was too exhausted by the going around in circles to argue any more. Back to the "Service Ontario" office, who could use tips on appropriate customer service techniques... I took 4 days of bs to get the plates changed and the car insured.
We had managed to sell all our funiture before we left. The movers had only to worry about boxes and rubbermaid crates. Oh and my bike. Once here, we went shopping for a few items that could not wait. We bought a bed at Sears before we left, with a delivery date of the Tuesday after our arrival. After sleeping on the floor for over 2 weeks, that bed was very welcome in our new home. We bought a TV, some shelving, 2 desks, one for Ous for his studies, and one for my new computer, going into the corner of what could/should be a dinning area. We set up our dining area in the kitchen using the cart and bar stools Ben had given me a while ago. Yesterday we found a "curio cabinet" that fits perfectly in our tiny kitchen where I can now put the dishes. Someone having a yard sale, and we got it for $10. Ous is now convinced that for any other items we will be needing, we should check yard/garage sales...
And so all is well.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Found a house
Our road trip went well. It took 3 days to get here, 3 very tiring days, getting up early and driving till late. Eating cold pizza I had packed for lunches, drinking hot coffee atT*ms... take a pee break each time we could.
Staying with friends right now, and very little access to internet. We went to see 2 appartments, very discouraging, a house, and then this one. It is not our dream home, but the price is right (everything is much more expensive here, although I was expecting that), it's very conveniently located, the landlord seems nice and apparently the people upstairs are quiet. It is smaller than what we have now of course, but I think we will organize it quite well.
So here we are in Ottawa.
Oh yes, the street is named after my son...
Staying with friends right now, and very little access to internet. We went to see 2 appartments, very discouraging, a house, and then this one. It is not our dream home, but the price is right (everything is much more expensive here, although I was expecting that), it's very conveniently located, the landlord seems nice and apparently the people upstairs are quiet. It is smaller than what we have now of course, but I think we will organize it quite well.
So here we are in Ottawa.
Oh yes, the street is named after my son...
Friday, July 16, 2010
Getting ready for the road trip.
I told him I would pack, but I am not too sure what we should bring. I've got the snacks planned, and drinks, and toilettries, and, well that'a bout it. Are we bringing the breakables with us? Are we packing up the computer, DVD player and other various electronics? I am not too sure. I think we might not be going to bed early tonight.
I went to see Sof & the boys for supper. I have very mixed feelings about this trip and have tried to focus only on the fun part of the adventure. Saying goodbye was very hard and we are both not talking about what happens after this trip. Pretend it's just a holiday. It's just easier right now to pretend. Yup, we're coming back in 10 days. Don't talk about what happens 5 days after that... As Basil Fawlty would say: Don't mention the War...
We had people come in to do estimates for moving our stuff to Ottawa. SOOOO expensive. I knew that , but still, a bit of a surprise. Ous is thinking we should just try to sell or donate everything and go empty handed. Maybe that would work for the furniture, but what about the books, CDs, winter clothes, and little every day items???? What about my shoe chair??? We are still undecided. But I am sure that spending quality time for the next 26 hours together in the car, we will be able to decipher all that.
I HATE moving.
I went to see Sof & the boys for supper. I have very mixed feelings about this trip and have tried to focus only on the fun part of the adventure. Saying goodbye was very hard and we are both not talking about what happens after this trip. Pretend it's just a holiday. It's just easier right now to pretend. Yup, we're coming back in 10 days. Don't talk about what happens 5 days after that... As Basil Fawlty would say: Don't mention the War...
We had people come in to do estimates for moving our stuff to Ottawa. SOOOO expensive. I knew that , but still, a bit of a surprise. Ous is thinking we should just try to sell or donate everything and go empty handed. Maybe that would work for the furniture, but what about the books, CDs, winter clothes, and little every day items???? What about my shoe chair??? We are still undecided. But I am sure that spending quality time for the next 26 hours together in the car, we will be able to decipher all that.
I HATE moving.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Bittersweet goodbye
It was my last day at work today. I really liked working there and got along really well with everyone, and enjoyed my work. Sure, sometimes I had to deal with people who seemd to have limited common sense or (intelligence) but most of the clients were nice, pleasant and reasonable people to deal with.
I actually got some work done in the morning, even though they had planned a potluck for today, and we all know what that means: Huge amounts of delicious food all day, to nibble on and distract one from working. And of course, every once in a while, someone would drop by my desk to say goodbye. Hugs and tears. I gave some of my buddies littles mementos that I had decorated my desk with: a glass sculpture for Mary, a snow globe with tiny little robins inside for Irene, a bamboo wood chime for Martha. Asked Diana to nurse my dying bamboo plant (more like a stick) back to health and gave her a fabulous snow globe with a photo of moi inside... to watch over her. I also gave her my original sandstone bird sculpture that I had gotten as a souvenir during the Pan Am Games in 1999. She felt bad she didn't have anything for me. Hey, don't worry about it. Just tell any future employer I was a great employee! (No this wasn't a bribe.) They all said they will miss me, miss my sense of humour, my silly jokes and pranks, but also my dedication and hard work.
I started cleaning my desk (client files and updates) in the afternoon, being interrupted again by well-wishers. Then around 4:30, had to go back on the phones, and had calls till 6PM. After the last caller finished, the other girl left, and there I was, all by myself. Feeling a bit sad, and lonely. Gathering my personnal effects in a couple of bags and after one last look around, going down the stairs, alone, down the long hallway to the back door, alone, even the cleaning lady was nowhere to be seen, and finally leaving the building, making sure the door was locked behind me and getting to my one lonely car in the parking lot and leaving, alone... Bittersweet.
Preparing now for our new adventure.
I actually got some work done in the morning, even though they had planned a potluck for today, and we all know what that means: Huge amounts of delicious food all day, to nibble on and distract one from working. And of course, every once in a while, someone would drop by my desk to say goodbye. Hugs and tears. I gave some of my buddies littles mementos that I had decorated my desk with: a glass sculpture for Mary, a snow globe with tiny little robins inside for Irene, a bamboo wood chime for Martha. Asked Diana to nurse my dying bamboo plant (more like a stick) back to health and gave her a fabulous snow globe with a photo of moi inside... to watch over her. I also gave her my original sandstone bird sculpture that I had gotten as a souvenir during the Pan Am Games in 1999. She felt bad she didn't have anything for me. Hey, don't worry about it. Just tell any future employer I was a great employee! (No this wasn't a bribe.) They all said they will miss me, miss my sense of humour, my silly jokes and pranks, but also my dedication and hard work.
I started cleaning my desk (client files and updates) in the afternoon, being interrupted again by well-wishers. Then around 4:30, had to go back on the phones, and had calls till 6PM. After the last caller finished, the other girl left, and there I was, all by myself. Feeling a bit sad, and lonely. Gathering my personnal effects in a couple of bags and after one last look around, going down the stairs, alone, down the long hallway to the back door, alone, even the cleaning lady was nowhere to be seen, and finally leaving the building, making sure the door was locked behind me and getting to my one lonely car in the parking lot and leaving, alone... Bittersweet.
Preparing now for our new adventure.
Monday, July 12, 2010
This neighbour is full of surprises.
We met him two days before moving in. He gave us a hard time about where exactly the line was between the two properties, and make sure you don't sneak a millimeter on mine. Gave us a hard time in the winter when we tried to park our 2nd car in our driveway in the back of our house. Was just generally unpleasant, or at most, neutral. Not very friendly.
But, we stayed polite, kept saying hello how are you, smiling and being neighbourly. I saw him on Saturday, taking out the garbage. "So... you guys are moving?" Gave him a brief update on our plans, including the fact that we are leaving next Saturday. Saw him again tonight, taking out the garbage ( we seem to have a lot of that in the past few days). He actually carried on a conversation for about 10 minutes! I'm guessing he has not suddenly turned into a friendly version of his former self, but maybe now that we are leaving, he realizes we were actually pretty ok people to have around, and does not know what to expect from the next owners... Haha, not our problem anymore, old man.
I also found out today that one of my collegues at work is also leaving, next week. There is going to be a completely different staff in that department in the next few weeks. They have already hired 3 new people, and will need 2 more in the next couple of weeks. Change is good.
But, we stayed polite, kept saying hello how are you, smiling and being neighbourly. I saw him on Saturday, taking out the garbage. "So... you guys are moving?" Gave him a brief update on our plans, including the fact that we are leaving next Saturday. Saw him again tonight, taking out the garbage ( we seem to have a lot of that in the past few days). He actually carried on a conversation for about 10 minutes! I'm guessing he has not suddenly turned into a friendly version of his former self, but maybe now that we are leaving, he realizes we were actually pretty ok people to have around, and does not know what to expect from the next owners... Haha, not our problem anymore, old man.
I also found out today that one of my collegues at work is also leaving, next week. There is going to be a completely different staff in that department in the next few weeks. They have already hired 3 new people, and will need 2 more in the next couple of weeks. Change is good.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Leave the house NOW.
Today was the open house chez the Nomad Family. So of course there are the last minute touch-ups, washing floors, dusting, rats I spilled my coffee on the counter clean-up, and then at 2:59 PM, leave the house NOW. There was already a carful of people (family of 4 pouring out of all its doors) wanting to come in. Inspect every nook and cranny, and don't forget the attic.
Looking for a place to hang out for the next 90 minutes,and disappointed I was missing the soccer match (Go Spain!) I headed out for Sof's. Had a few items I need to drop off for the kids like a miniature watermelon, and a big red plastic handle. And GenBen's gift. Halfway there, Sof texts me: they're at the beach. Hey what about me? I would have enjoyed the beach. But, good for them. And too bad, I'll drive out there anyway and drop everything on their doorstep.
Which is what I almost did, forgot the GenBen gift in the car and just realized that now. But maybe I'll go tomoorrow. If someone is checkng out our house after work and I need a place to disappear to, I'll go see the kids.
We are starting to look forward to next Saturday when we pack up and head out. One car caravan, loaded as much as can be with items that will stay at a friend's place in Ottawa, alogn with the car. We are flying back here and will be driving the other car in August to our new home out East. I suspect I might not be getting a lot of work done this week, although when I am there, I do try to focus on the job at hand and not think of the move. This is becoming more and more of a challenge.
And then will begin the job hunting.
Looking for a place to hang out for the next 90 minutes,and disappointed I was missing the soccer match (Go Spain!) I headed out for Sof's. Had a few items I need to drop off for the kids like a miniature watermelon, and a big red plastic handle. And GenBen's gift. Halfway there, Sof texts me: they're at the beach. Hey what about me? I would have enjoyed the beach. But, good for them. And too bad, I'll drive out there anyway and drop everything on their doorstep.
Which is what I almost did, forgot the GenBen gift in the car and just realized that now. But maybe I'll go tomoorrow. If someone is checkng out our house after work and I need a place to disappear to, I'll go see the kids.
We are starting to look forward to next Saturday when we pack up and head out. One car caravan, loaded as much as can be with items that will stay at a friend's place in Ottawa, alogn with the car. We are flying back here and will be driving the other car in August to our new home out East. I suspect I might not be getting a lot of work done this week, although when I am there, I do try to focus on the job at hand and not think of the move. This is becoming more and more of a challenge.
And then will begin the job hunting.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Watching the World Cup is not the best idea.
But Ous and I have been working double shifts for the past months so an hour or two of relaxing in front of the tv felt quite nice.
The painters are hard at work, and after 2 coats of blue and multiple coats of yellow the house should look quite eye-catching for the open house tomorrow. The inside is all neat and tidy (if only I could get that energy flowing to keep it that way all the time), the basement is practically empty, so are the closets. So tomorrow, let's just hope we have a lot of people coming for a look. And a lot of them wanting to buy. We have our answer Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock.
My last day at work will be Thursday. I was going to stay until Friday, but apparently I had some vacation time due and since the pay-period ends on Thur., my supervisor suggested I take Friday as a vacation day. What the heck. I am already not very much in a work mode anyway.
Most people still do not know we are moving. Ous preferred keeping it fairly secret. I think he is maybe just a bit superstitious and thought that if we talk about it too soon it will not happen. Well, it's happening now. And a lot faster than I would like.
Looking forward to being closer to my siblings. Will certainly miss my kids here.
The painters are hard at work, and after 2 coats of blue and multiple coats of yellow the house should look quite eye-catching for the open house tomorrow. The inside is all neat and tidy (if only I could get that energy flowing to keep it that way all the time), the basement is practically empty, so are the closets. So tomorrow, let's just hope we have a lot of people coming for a look. And a lot of them wanting to buy. We have our answer Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock.
My last day at work will be Thursday. I was going to stay until Friday, but apparently I had some vacation time due and since the pay-period ends on Thur., my supervisor suggested I take Friday as a vacation day. What the heck. I am already not very much in a work mode anyway.
Most people still do not know we are moving. Ous preferred keeping it fairly secret. I think he is maybe just a bit superstitious and thought that if we talk about it too soon it will not happen. Well, it's happening now. And a lot faster than I would like.
Looking forward to being closer to my siblings. Will certainly miss my kids here.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Un océan de boîtes
Peut-être que les vrais nomades savent voyager avec tous leurs bien sur leur dos, ou celui de leur chameau, ou, le cas échéant, dans le coffre de leur voiture, mais ça n'est pas mon cas. J'ai fini de trier toutes les boîtes qui nous avaient accompagnés lors de notre précédent déménagement, cela m'aura pris presque trois mois. Je travaille de façon aléatoire, dépendant du niveau d'énergie (ou de fatigue) et bien sûr Ous me trouve un peu lente. J'ai quand même réussi ce tour de force: éliminer au moins à moitié des cartons que nous avions, et il reste maintenant à passer à l'assaut les armoires de cuisine, les articles ménagers et quotidiens et nos effets personnels.
Nous partons samedi prochain. La première étape de cette grande aventure. Environ 26 heures de route nous appellent. J'ai déjà prévu la plupart des bagages qui nous tiendront compagnie dans la voiture, ainsi que les CD à écouter (une bonne vingtaine, car il nous faut de la variété) et pour les ravitaillements, nous nous contenterons de sandwichs et d'eau froide. Et sûrement des cafés en cours de route. Ce n'est pas la première fois que je fais ce trajet, et quant à Ous se sera la deuxième. Nous laisserons tous nos bagages là-bas et revenons, nomades des temps modernes, en avion.
Au retour nous nous attaquerons aux derniers préparatifs, et d'ici le début du mois prochain espérons nous retrouver au prochain oasif sans trop de traumatismes psychologiques.
Pour le moment nous flottons sur un océan de boîtes.
Nous partons samedi prochain. La première étape de cette grande aventure. Environ 26 heures de route nous appellent. J'ai déjà prévu la plupart des bagages qui nous tiendront compagnie dans la voiture, ainsi que les CD à écouter (une bonne vingtaine, car il nous faut de la variété) et pour les ravitaillements, nous nous contenterons de sandwichs et d'eau froide. Et sûrement des cafés en cours de route. Ce n'est pas la première fois que je fais ce trajet, et quant à Ous se sera la deuxième. Nous laisserons tous nos bagages là-bas et revenons, nomades des temps modernes, en avion.
Au retour nous nous attaquerons aux derniers préparatifs, et d'ici le début du mois prochain espérons nous retrouver au prochain oasif sans trop de traumatismes psychologiques.
Pour le moment nous flottons sur un océan de boîtes.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Demain matin, Montréal m'attend...
Tomorrow we do Step 1 of Plan B. Boxes (viva Rubbermaid) are packed, all ligned up in what was the dining room, ready to go. Ous and a friend have rented a truck, will be loading it up and off they go to the storage place, bright and early, to finish bright and early. I get to stay home and cook. Suits me fine.
Ça ne devrait pas prendre trop de temps, il y a environ une douzaine de gros bacs rubbermaid et quelques autres articles plus petits. J'ai hâte de voir la maison vidée de ces choses qui pour le moment sont trop encombrantes. Je suis fatiguée juste à les regarder, mais je continue tous les jours de "faire des boîtes" même si ce n'est qu'une par jour. Courage!
Then all we need is to find a place to stay when we are in Ottawa. And a job for moi. Oh and don't be mislead by the title, it's only a song, and we are going to Ottawa, not Montréal.
Ça ne devrait pas prendre trop de temps, il y a environ une douzaine de gros bacs rubbermaid et quelques autres articles plus petits. J'ai hâte de voir la maison vidée de ces choses qui pour le moment sont trop encombrantes. Je suis fatiguée juste à les regarder, mais je continue tous les jours de "faire des boîtes" même si ce n'est qu'une par jour. Courage!
Then all we need is to find a place to stay when we are in Ottawa. And a job for moi. Oh and don't be mislead by the title, it's only a song, and we are going to Ottawa, not Montréal.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Maybe I was born a gipsy.
My parents lived in a tiny village in Northern Ontario. My mother went back to her hometowm to give birth to me. I've been on the road ever since. When I was about 2, we moved to a town in northern Québec, and again the next year,another town close to the first. Then when I was six, we moved back to Ontario. Three years after that, packin' up and movin' agin... Three more years and my parents bought a house in the country and kinda settled down for 20 odds years.
I left home when I was nineteen, travelled across Canada for 6 months and lived in Mexico for 5 months. Not by myself, I was part of a cultural exchange programm called Canada World Youth, in its second year. Wow! Who wants to stay put after that?!
I moved to Manitoba, and for a while my only wanderings were limited to going "back Home" for Christmas. Lived in Manitoba all of my adult life. In the past ten years or so, travelled to many places, some more exotic than other: Mexico again, Costa Rica, Ireland, France, Sénégal, Gambia, my own country of course and a bit of the USA.
Even living here, I have moved many times, from one street to another, one part of town to another. And now, going back to my roots I guess, back to Ontario. For how long? We'll see.
I want to retire to Senegal. That may be only a few years away, but nothing like planning ahead.
I always have a suitcase, packed and ready to go, hidden away in the closet. You just never know.
I left home when I was nineteen, travelled across Canada for 6 months and lived in Mexico for 5 months. Not by myself, I was part of a cultural exchange programm called Canada World Youth, in its second year. Wow! Who wants to stay put after that?!
I moved to Manitoba, and for a while my only wanderings were limited to going "back Home" for Christmas. Lived in Manitoba all of my adult life. In the past ten years or so, travelled to many places, some more exotic than other: Mexico again, Costa Rica, Ireland, France, Sénégal, Gambia, my own country of course and a bit of the USA.
Even living here, I have moved many times, from one street to another, one part of town to another. And now, going back to my roots I guess, back to Ontario. For how long? We'll see.
I want to retire to Senegal. That may be only a few years away, but nothing like planning ahead.
I always have a suitcase, packed and ready to go, hidden away in the closet. You just never know.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Où la route mène.
Elle aura mené Ous au Manitoba il y aura 3 ans à la fin du mois de juillet. Débarqué ici avec un sac de voyage dans lequel se trouvait des souliers superbes pour une reine (moi), quelques petits bijoux, des tissus. Mais le meilleur cadeau c'était lui. Nous nous sommes installés sur une rue qui portait le nom d'été et avons entamé notre vie à deux avec vigueur et passion. Monsieur est très débrouillard, il a déniché un boulot tout de suite, mais ne s'est jamais arrêté là. "Si on n'avance pas, on recule".
Il a trouvé autre chose, ailleurs, puis a fait des études et obtenu un poste dans le domaine de la santé. L'an dernier il a voulu retourner à ses premiers amours: la médecine.Et maintenant, afin de poursuivre ce but, il commence des études en sciences infirmières. Cependant, pour ce faire, et bien réussir, nous allons devoir reprendre notre vie de nomades....
Depuis janvier, nous sommes dans les boîtes et les cartons. Nous trions, je garde ceci, il jette cela. Je redécouvre d'anciennes phots, incroyables que mes si grands enfants eussent été si petits, qu'ils aient portés ces habits minuscules... Ne seraient-ce de tous ces souvenirs, nous aurions terminé depuis longtemps. Samedi matin, nous avons loué un camion et irons entreposer nos bagages jusqu'à l'heure de déménagement. La semaine prochaine, la pancarte "À vendre" sera posée devant la maison.
Dans 3 semaines nous partons à l'aventure!
Il a trouvé autre chose, ailleurs, puis a fait des études et obtenu un poste dans le domaine de la santé. L'an dernier il a voulu retourner à ses premiers amours: la médecine.Et maintenant, afin de poursuivre ce but, il commence des études en sciences infirmières. Cependant, pour ce faire, et bien réussir, nous allons devoir reprendre notre vie de nomades....
Depuis janvier, nous sommes dans les boîtes et les cartons. Nous trions, je garde ceci, il jette cela. Je redécouvre d'anciennes phots, incroyables que mes si grands enfants eussent été si petits, qu'ils aient portés ces habits minuscules... Ne seraient-ce de tous ces souvenirs, nous aurions terminé depuis longtemps. Samedi matin, nous avons loué un camion et irons entreposer nos bagages jusqu'à l'heure de déménagement. La semaine prochaine, la pancarte "À vendre" sera posée devant la maison.
Dans 3 semaines nous partons à l'aventure!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I'm not buying anymore household appliances.
Everytime I do, I end up moving.
I remember the first washer and dryer we bought, when the kids were babies. So exciting, a new washing machine, that rinced out diapers twice! Wow! Two years later we sold the house, moved and ended up with a pair of much older washer and dryer... mmfft. A few years after that, when they gave up on us and died, we bought new ones, and lo and behold, moved a few months later, leaving behind our recent acquisitions. Bought another house later, and a wonderful, super-duper stove, then I ended up divorcing and he got the house and stove.
Two years ago, Ous and I bought a great front load washer. (New husband, new appliances, what the heck...) I had been wanting one for years, ( a front-loader) and the old thing I had in the basement seemd almost pre-historic. I jokingly told him (the husband)that each time I had bought a household appliance in the past I had ended up moving and leaving it behind. Well, 2 months later, we decided to pack up our stuff and move.... We did end up taking the washer along, for the ride. It didn't fit through the basement door, but somehow we managed to get it down there anyway.
Now we are moving again. Hey turns out, maybe I am the Nomad in this story. The appliances are all staying here. We'll find a nice appartment there. Then we will search high and low for appliances, and a house. Then we will buy the appliances, move them into the house and hopefully stay puy for at least 4 years.
At least, today, as we speak, that is the plan.
I remember the first washer and dryer we bought, when the kids were babies. So exciting, a new washing machine, that rinced out diapers twice! Wow! Two years later we sold the house, moved and ended up with a pair of much older washer and dryer... mmfft. A few years after that, when they gave up on us and died, we bought new ones, and lo and behold, moved a few months later, leaving behind our recent acquisitions. Bought another house later, and a wonderful, super-duper stove, then I ended up divorcing and he got the house and stove.
Two years ago, Ous and I bought a great front load washer. (New husband, new appliances, what the heck...) I had been wanting one for years, ( a front-loader) and the old thing I had in the basement seemd almost pre-historic. I jokingly told him (the husband)that each time I had bought a household appliance in the past I had ended up moving and leaving it behind. Well, 2 months later, we decided to pack up our stuff and move.... We did end up taking the washer along, for the ride. It didn't fit through the basement door, but somehow we managed to get it down there anyway.
Now we are moving again. Hey turns out, maybe I am the Nomad in this story. The appliances are all staying here. We'll find a nice appartment there. Then we will search high and low for appliances, and a house. Then we will buy the appliances, move them into the house and hopefully stay puy for at least 4 years.
At least, today, as we speak, that is the plan.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I was a mail order bride.
Going through episodes quickly. He came here. He left. I went there a few years later. I came back here. I went back there. I came back here (almost didn't). Changed my whole life around, became Muslim, tried to learn a new language.
One day I got a letter in the mail. Or rather, a parcel. A beautiful delicate statue of an african woman, pouring water over her head. And with it the letter. Professing his undying love, that had never been mentionned before. Wanting to spend the rest of his life with me. My mariage proposal came from across the sea, via Canada Post. I like to say I was a mail-order bride.
He was working oout in the jungle, no internet for email, no telephone number for me to call back, and I think he didn't even have an address at the time. Not locally anyway. So I had to phone his family in Dakar to ask them to tell him, next time they were able to contact him, to give me a call. He called on a Sunday morning in June, to wish me happy birthday. I wished him happy birthday too, since we are only a couple of days apart. Then I said: tell your dad to slaughter a lamb, I accept. Took him a few minutes to comprehend what I was saying: telephone lines from Guinnea Bissau are not the greatest. Then I think the surprise and happiness got the better of him, and he was speechless for a few moments. And before our time ran out on his calling card, he promised to call again next Sunday so that we could start planning the wedding.
Thank God for the Post Office, who sent me the best husband ever.
One day I got a letter in the mail. Or rather, a parcel. A beautiful delicate statue of an african woman, pouring water over her head. And with it the letter. Professing his undying love, that had never been mentionned before. Wanting to spend the rest of his life with me. My mariage proposal came from across the sea, via Canada Post. I like to say I was a mail-order bride.
He was working oout in the jungle, no internet for email, no telephone number for me to call back, and I think he didn't even have an address at the time. Not locally anyway. So I had to phone his family in Dakar to ask them to tell him, next time they were able to contact him, to give me a call. He called on a Sunday morning in June, to wish me happy birthday. I wished him happy birthday too, since we are only a couple of days apart. Then I said: tell your dad to slaughter a lamb, I accept. Took him a few minutes to comprehend what I was saying: telephone lines from Guinnea Bissau are not the greatest. Then I think the surprise and happiness got the better of him, and he was speechless for a few moments. And before our time ran out on his calling card, he promised to call again next Sunday so that we could start planning the wedding.
Thank God for the Post Office, who sent me the best husband ever.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I married a Nomad.
Didn't find out he was a nomad until recently, although the clues were there.
We met when he was travelling to Canada and came to visit a friend in Winnipeg in 2002. He returned fome after almost a year of travelling, and eventhough "home" was the capital city of his country, he worked a few hours away and came home on week-ends. Then he found a better job, but it was still a few hours away from home, in the other direction, And a couple more years down the road, he still lived in his country's capital city, but worked in a different country.
When I decided that I wanted to visit to travel the world, or at least visit some far away land, mutual friends of ours reminded me that I did know someone at the other end of the world, and this someone would be happy to be my guide in his homeland. So I got in touch with this man that I had met 3 years previously and he siad his family would be happy to welcome me in their home. Off I went. (Ok so maybe I also have nomad blood in my veins.)
This blog will tell the story of a man called... Ous, and a woman called Ni. Odds of them ever meeting were tiny to say the least. Odds of them ending up together, even less.
So my friends, stay tuned as I hope to make you smile with our stories, where we were, where we are now, and where we are headed in the very near future.
We met when he was travelling to Canada and came to visit a friend in Winnipeg in 2002. He returned fome after almost a year of travelling, and eventhough "home" was the capital city of his country, he worked a few hours away and came home on week-ends. Then he found a better job, but it was still a few hours away from home, in the other direction, And a couple more years down the road, he still lived in his country's capital city, but worked in a different country.
When I decided that I wanted to visit to travel the world, or at least visit some far away land, mutual friends of ours reminded me that I did know someone at the other end of the world, and this someone would be happy to be my guide in his homeland. So I got in touch with this man that I had met 3 years previously and he siad his family would be happy to welcome me in their home. Off I went. (Ok so maybe I also have nomad blood in my veins.)
This blog will tell the story of a man called... Ous, and a woman called Ni. Odds of them ever meeting were tiny to say the least. Odds of them ending up together, even less.
So my friends, stay tuned as I hope to make you smile with our stories, where we were, where we are now, and where we are headed in the very near future.
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