Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back in business

Not to sure how to relate the past month.

Lots of packing. Lots of driving to and fro (Winnipeg, Ottawa, and back again). Looking for a new place to settled down and grow new roots.

Leaving Winnipeg for good on August 6th. Goodbye house on Walnut Street, finally all done up the way we wanted it. Goodbye friends and family, hopefully we'll meet again soon.

We saw a lynx on the drive out, late Friday afternoon. It slowly deambulated (?) across highway 17, nose sniffing the air, ears very much lynx ears, and legs stretching out on the dry pavement. I took it as a good luck omen. We had a safe ride, safe trip, arriving in Ottawa on Sunday afternoon around 2.

That first week was hectic. Running around in circles to change the plates on the car, oh but you need your Ontario driver's liscence for that (among a load of other documents). Going to transfer the driver's liscence, you need a valid passeport, or sorry your name will not be the way you want it, and the way it should be. My first name is not and has never been Marie, but according to my new Ontario driver's liscence, it is now. Go figure. I was too exhausted by the going around in circles to argue any more. Back to the "Service Ontario" office, who could use tips on appropriate customer service techniques... I took 4 days of bs to get the plates changed and the car insured.

We had managed to sell all our funiture before we left. The movers had only to worry about boxes and rubbermaid crates. Oh and my bike. Once here, we went shopping for a few items that could not wait. We bought a bed at Sears before we left, with a delivery date of the Tuesday after our arrival. After sleeping on the floor for over 2 weeks, that bed was very welcome in our new home. We bought a TV, some shelving, 2 desks, one for Ous for his studies, and one for my new computer, going into the corner of what could/should be a dinning area. We set up our dining area in the kitchen using the cart and bar stools Ben had given me a while ago. Yesterday we found a "curio cabinet" that fits perfectly in our tiny kitchen where I can now put the dishes. Someone having a yard sale, and we got it for $10. Ous is now convinced that for any other items we will be needing, we should check yard/garage sales...

And so all is well.

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