It was my last day at work today. I really liked working there and got along really well with everyone, and enjoyed my work. Sure, sometimes I had to deal with people who seemd to have limited common sense or (intelligence) but most of the clients were nice, pleasant and reasonable people to deal with.
I actually got some work done in the morning, even though they had planned a potluck for today, and we all know what that means: Huge amounts of delicious food all day, to nibble on and distract one from working. And of course, every once in a while, someone would drop by my desk to say goodbye. Hugs and tears. I gave some of my buddies littles mementos that I had decorated my desk with: a glass sculpture for Mary, a snow globe with tiny little robins inside for Irene, a bamboo wood chime for Martha. Asked Diana to nurse my dying bamboo plant (more like a stick) back to health and gave her a fabulous snow globe with a photo of moi inside... to watch over her. I also gave her my original sandstone bird sculpture that I had gotten as a souvenir during the Pan Am Games in 1999. She felt bad she didn't have anything for me. Hey, don't worry about it. Just tell any future employer I was a great employee! (No this wasn't a bribe.) They all said they will miss me, miss my sense of humour, my silly jokes and pranks, but also my dedication and hard work.
I started cleaning my desk (client files and updates) in the afternoon, being interrupted again by well-wishers. Then around 4:30, had to go back on the phones, and had calls till 6PM. After the last caller finished, the other girl left, and there I was, all by myself. Feeling a bit sad, and lonely. Gathering my personnal effects in a couple of bags and after one last look around, going down the stairs, alone, down the long hallway to the back door, alone, even the cleaning lady was nowhere to be seen, and finally leaving the building, making sure the door was locked behind me and getting to my one lonely car in the parking lot and leaving, alone... Bittersweet.
Preparing now for our new adventure.
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